
Mode 3 of D Melodic (Jazz) Minor

Episode Summary

Explore mode 3 of D Melodic Minor - F major 7 #5 #11 sound - the sounds you'll hear in some of the James Bond themes

Episode Notes

- a quick explanation of melodic and harmonic minors 

- explanation of mode 3 of Melodic or Jazz minor and where you may have heard it 

- hear it played over D melodic minor changes 


Episode Image Link - https://harmonyimprovisati.wixsite.com/harmonyimprov/downloads 

YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/tpfbb 

Podcast Link - https://open.spotify.com/show/3s7KQqOZlrbk0vZkoe4buC?si=jk14dlxoQJ-V4jhpNeU6sA 

Website - https://harmonyimprovisati.wixsite.com/harmonyimprov